Monday, January 10, 2011

Why? Because "too much on my plate" apparently isnt enough for me

Im constanly on crafting blogs and recipe website, so starting my own just made sense. I get asked for recipes and other such things all the time , so now there should be one easy place to go to to get them. I guess this is just my way of giving back after stealing soo much info from others :) I hope someone will benifit from this. Please comment so i know your out there

My name is Audrielle
Ive been married for 3 1/2 years
I am the mother to, yes, THE cutest 6 month old baby girl
I was raised in a SMALL town
I still live in a smallish town, I got annoyed growning up when people said they were from a small town and it had a Walmart and fast food. So i should be careful with my phrasing because there is a Walmart here. However no mall or Krispy Kreme in sight!
My relationship with my maker defines me, throughout my blog I will try and explain this, and not through the tired, heard a million times, this is how i feel. But hopefully with intelectual arguments, explinations, and facts, because out of all the things i have to give this is best thing i have to offer. The thing i hope no one has to live one more day without.
ps i WILL be grammatically incorrect most of the time
youve been warned!


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