Sunday, September 29, 2013

The beginning of a Nursery

Slowly little by little we've been preparing to start preparing a nursery haha. It's been so laid back and slow. Painting for the first time ever took more then a week, the longest previously was two days. It's finally cleared out of all random things and has a fresh new coat of paint on everything. (Ok well except for some paint cans I'm too lazy to put up tonight) My husband was such a trooper and even painted the trim on his own accord. 

The paint only took me 3-4 hours total to decide on, no biggie! Haha. Idk what my deal is with deciding on paint. I guess I just hate the process so much I figure I better decide right so we don't have to do it again. We went with "camouflage" by Benjamin Moore. In case you haven't noticed by now I am extremely cheap so it's actually not BM paint. Confused? Well here's a little secret that someone explained to me a while back, Walmart has a color matcher! You can go to a BM dealer and take a color swatch of your liking, drive to Walmart, have them mix it and drive off with $18 paint instead of what $30? 

Anyways it's a start. The cardboard "B" is going to be hung above the crib, you'll see more later. The whole feel I'm going for is vinatgey/retro. Really dull colors, chipped thrifted items. Mustard, olive green, and burnt orange will dominate. Ohhhh boys, how different.

28 weeks today!


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